
We’re so glad to have you here! Signs + Seasons is a liturgical living guild - a space where we can enjoy camaraderie and inspiration as we journey through the Church year, together.

There are so many ways to fold the rhythms of the Christian calendar into our own lives & situations. Liturgical living doesn’t have to look a certain way: and through all the unique voices sharing ideas and asking questions through this guild, we hope to show how multi-faceted, flexible, and curiosity-driven liturgical living can be.

Whether you’re new to the liturgical year or familiar with it, married or single, with or without kids, living in the city or the country, member of a church or seeking…we believe liturgical living can be impactful & transformative in any walk of life.

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What is the liturgical year?

The liturgical calendar (also known as the liturgical year or Church calendar/year) reorders time – it weaves the story of Christ through the natural seasons. The calendar is an incarnational way of approaching our days and years: seasonal feasts, festivals, and fasts encourage us to live through Christ’s life and work, that we may train our habits to reflect his.

Liturgical living is a response to God’s nature. It’s a way of intentionally stepping into his story to celebrate him and build habits that graft his ways into our own lives. And there are so many ways to do this!

How does the guild work?

In the Middle Ages, craftspeople formed guilds to bond themselves together to foster shared interests and offer each other support. Signs + Seasons is a space to foster connection for anyone who is interested in living the liturgical year - whether familiar with it or new to it, there’s a place for everyone to explore liturgical living here.

A few times a month, Signs + Seasons will publish posts that include round-ups of links to Substack articles that are related to liturgical living. These will generally keep step with the liturgical seasons as they come, but you’ll also find other, more broad reflections on liturgical living.

If you subscribe, you’ll receive these updates from Substack’s (unofficial) liturgical living community of writers right in your inbox!

The links that we share have been submitted by Substack writers - we’d love for you to share yours, too!

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Join the guild

Would you like to add your unique voice to the guild? Here are a few ways to do it:

  • Subscribe: By subscribing to Signs + Seasons, you’ll receive updates a few times a month that include round-ups of links to posts from the liturgical living community on Substack. You’ll get to encounter a variety of perspectives exploring the calendar, and whether you want to simply enjoy reading these or want to add your comments, questions, or re-stacks to the posts we share, your subscription is a wonderful way to step into the conversation.

  • Submit posts: If you’d like to share your posts related to liturgical living, we’d love feature them in our round-ups! Please visit our Contributions page to read more.

Our hope is is that the fruit of this online guild will translate to our daily lives - that we would take what we encounter and see what works, or what doesn’t work, for us in our own unique situations.

Signs + Seasons is an ecumenical guild - our contributors span various Christian traditions. You will probably encounter theologies & approaches that might differ from your own, but all with a shared interest in, and curiosity for, liturgical living.

This is why our emblem is the pomegranate - often used historically as a symbol of the Church, the pomegranate’s many seeds form one unified fruit.

Meet your editors:

Subscribe to Signs + Seasons

a liturgical living guild - a space where we can enjoy camaraderie and inspiration as we journey through the Church year, together


I'm a mom, artist, & farmer celebrating the liturgical year through its agrarian heritage and seasonal rhythms.
Catholic mom of two. Storyteller. Passionate about motherhood and family. Introverted caretaker of an extraverted toddler. Accidentally crunchy. Wannabe organizer. Desperate for routine. Striving after holiness.
Dixie Dillon Lane, Ph.D., is a historian and homeschooling mother who believes in integrating education, work, friendship, and family. She is also an associate editor at Hearth and Field journal.